AT 751: Prayer Book Catholicism
The Book of Common Prayer: The Texts of 1549, 1559, and 1662
The Book of Common Prayer (1928)
BCP (1662): The Preface and Concerning the Service of the Church
Bray & Keane, "A Ten-Minute History of the Book of Common Prayer"
Jeanes, "Cranmer and Common Prayer"
Crouse, "The Book of Common Prayer in Historical and Theological Perspective"
Crouse, "The Prayer Book and the Authority of Tradition"
Bradshaw, "The Daily Offices in the Prayer Book Tradition"
Billett, "A Spirituality of the Word: The Medieval Roots of Traditional Anglican Worship"
Crosby, "The 'decent and Godly ordre of the auncient Fathers'"
BCP (PECUSA 1928): The Order for Daily Morning Prayer, The Litany
BCP (ACNA 2019): Daily Morning Prayer, The Great Litany
Prayer Book Studies: The Litany (1953)